Starter Plan*
Designed for Limo / Livery operators that are less than 100 bookings per mo
SelectEnterprise Plan
Designed for larger Limo / Livery operators needing platform stability
SelectExample Volume Levels - Monthly Bookings (1)
up to 100
up to 250
up to 2000 +
Base Price per level
$85 / mo / ( 1st yr then Pro)
$105 / mo
$245 / mo
One-time Setup Fees (2) Qualifying move-over Waived
$ 275
FlightView-Server Calls(3) $.06 >1K scales to .004 to 60K
1000 Free
1000 Free
SMS Texting - Segment (4) $.06 >1K scales to .005 to 60k
1000 Free
1000 Free
Driver App-Bookings over 250 - scales $.12 to .002 up to 50k
1st 250 Tier Free
1st 250 Tier Free
Web-Services API - Over 250 bookings scales $.035 to $.005 up to 40K
1st 250 Tier Free
1st 250 Tier Free
CRM Integration-(Zoho Special Link A/C Req'd)
$20 / mo.
$20 / mo.
$20 / mo.
RightSignature-Digital Signing + ($20/mo fee)
85¢ / Request
85¢ / Request
85¢ / Request
GroundSpan - 3rd Party Corporate Bookings
$30 / mo.
$30 / mo.
$30 / mo.
3+ Company Alias: 1st Two Companies Included
$50 / Co./ mo
$50 / Co./mo
$50 / Co./mo
GNet Global Affiliate Network
FASTTRAK Affiliate Exchange
LimoLink Connection
Carey Booking Connection
Carey Integrated Billing
Customer Booking Portal
Client Payment Links
Airline Crew App
Group Management Module
Charter Management Module
Customer Web App
GEO Time & Distance Pricing
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Business KPI Analytics
STRIPE Direct Integration
Passenger Links
Driver Mapping
Driver Schedule & Availability
Unlimited Email
Unlimited Drivers
Costing & Billing
A/R Mgt & Statements
Accounting Export
PCI Compliant Data Storage
Private DataBase Storage
2nd Company Alias
24/7/365 Support
Noted pricing details
Plan Note:
* This introductory Starter Price Plan usage base tier price is $85 for up to 100 monthly bookings. Volumes over the 100 tier will higher than the Professional plan 250 tier overages. After the first year of special pricing or if the tier is exceeded, whichever first occurs, this plan will be upgraded to the Professional 250 tier pricing plan. Because of its limited volumes, this plan can enjoy free services to assist with growth. e.g. Flight tracking, SMS, driver apps and more
Pricing Notes:
1. All Pro and Enterprise Plan Series have a base fee for the referenced base volume. Volumes (bookings) in excess of the base subscription are charged at .09 cents scaling down to .05 cents per booking
2 One-Time Setup includes initial training, services configurations and private Microsoft Cloud SQL cloud database setup (not shared by other limo company's data).
3. FlightView fees are charged to us based on the number of server calls (hits) in a given month. All plans enjoy 1000 hits FREE. Frequencies are adjustable by the operator to minimize costs or maximize service.
4. SMS is charged to us on a per segment basis. A single text can contain many segments based on the length of the texts, attachments, special characters etc. The first 1000 segments are free for all plans.
Prices are subject to change without notice
Common Price Plan Questions
Questions about our Limo Management Software Pricing
At FASTTRAK we have simplified this by pricing a reasonable base charge that covers our administration and AZURE datacenter costs and then using a pay-for-what-you-use model to cover our variable operating expenses which has the result of increasing your spend with your volumes are higher and you are using more of the service and reducing your spend with us as your volumes decline during seasonal or unusual period.
Remembering from the introduction that our prices are a base fee plus volume levels over the base amount, we recommend selecting the PRO SERIES 250 plan and letting our server adjust to your actual usage even if your volumes may take you into an Enterprise level you will get the advantage of moving upward to the Enterprise plan and then shrinking back to the lower volumes during seasonal periods, thus reducing your costs of operation.
Segments are the new measurement metic for determining the volume of a single text. A single text notification may be just one segments or if additional attachments or images are attached it could be multiple segments
Our subscriptions are monthly and do have a 30 cancellation notice period. So effectively, the term is 30 days after notice. This period of time is used to allow you time to export your data and for FASTTRAK to determine what service fee accrued during the previous month prior to cancellation to prepare a final invoice.
Click the Client/Trial Area Button on the main page to signin to your Administrative billing account. The email you used when purchasing your subscription is the username and the password can be updated by clicking on "forgot password" if you don't remember it. This password will likely be different than your FASTTRAK Application password.
Credit cards can only be updated by paying a currently unpaid invoice. the card used will be stored for future referenced billing.